Tuesday, August 03, 2004


Gah! I was all set to post my first entry in nearly 10 months. All typed out and ready to go. And then my laptop went and died on me. Well, it's nearly 0330 here now, so don't think I'm gonna retype my nonsense. This is not a very good start though. *sighz*

Anyways, blogger sure has changed a fair bit since October last year. Will take some time to figure out what everything does. Also gotta fix that comments thingie, and the bg for my post div disappeared somewhere. AWOL for more than 15 days is considered desertion, y'know? Come back, come back wherever you are...

Well, guess I'll just leave y'all with a quote:
"Good sex is like a game of bridge; if you don't have a good partner, you'd better have a good hand." ;)

Nite folks, gav out.

Edit: Okay, went and got another comments thingie set up. Apparently Blogout is no longer in business. Also fixed the hit counter, though not sure if the number's right. That's way too high.