Saturday, October 11, 2003

The Rocking Chair

The Rocking Chair...

Two elderly residents, one male and one female, were sitting alone in the lobby of their nursing home one evening.

The oldman looked over and said to the old lady, "I know just what you're wanting, and for $5 I'll have sex with you right over there in that rocking chair."

The old lady looked surprised but didn't say a word. the old man continued, "For $10 I'll do it with you on that nice soft sofa over there, but for $20 I'll take you back to my room, light some candles, and give you the most romantic evening you've ever had in your life."

The old lady still says nothing but after a couple minutes, starts digging down in her purse. She pulls out a wrinkled $20 bill and holds it up.

"So you want the nice romantic evening in my room," says the old man.

"Get serious she replies. I want it four times in the rocking chair.

Busy week

mood: average
music: none

Well, it's been a real busy week. Had a Thermodynamics test on wednesday worth 20% which I'm pretty confident I failed. Also got marks back for my first Design assignment. Not good. As far as I can tell, I'm going to fail design this semester even if I get full marks on the second assignment. The problem is there isn't a final. *sighz* Also handed in my second calculus assignment, which took me 2 full nights, but at least that's done.

Exams are up in 2 weeks, which means I really should probably get to studying. Only problem is the various tests and assignments due in the next fortnight. Ah well, we'll see what happens, I guess.

So, that's pretty much what life's been like for Gav recently: work, work, more work.

Pleasepleaseplease let summer get here soon.

Saturday, October 04, 2003

Not the Best of Days

mood: not great
music: none

I thought today would be a good day.

It wasn't.

Bah, whatever.

Edit: Just realised the first 2 lines of my post is the same as K's. Creepy.