Monday, June 30, 2003

Back again, and busy as ever

mood: alright
music: lee hom - wei yi (chinese)

'ey up. right, so the exams are finally over. actually, they've been over a few days, as some of you would probably know, but i've been...*koff*busy*koff*...y'know, with like, post-exam matters. like having a life and stuff like that (gasp).

so anyhoo, final paper was chem on thursday arvo. i told the guys i'd probably finish 6pm thereabouts, but ended up walking out before 4.30. bad, i know. i left the last two pages blank (organic chem), but managed to finish most of the questions. not too bad for half a day's work, i reckon. :-P

yeah so anyway went with joe and ryan down to chaddy. saw vic and yokemon there and went to catch hulk. probably because i was tired (hey, 4 papers in three days!!), i didn't find it very interesting and ended up falling asleep. :( i remember waking up and seeing banner's dad getting electrocuted, muttering "cool" and falling asleep again. ah well, besides the film it was a good hang-out night. : )

on friday i attempted (in vain) to tidy up my room. props to edwin for coming over and helping me move paul's fridge to my room. don't know why i bothered, though; it's still sitting in the middle of my floor waiting to be filled and plugged in. ; ) friday night was post-exam night at tone's place. i showed up with ryan. mostly it was the muiss guys. much drinking, smoking and card-playing. reached home at...umm...can't remember. :-P a good night.

saturday saw me sleeping till noon, then trying to get some of the website done. aug was flying off at 4am sunday morn and wanted to go buy some stuff, so vic and i accompanied him over to the glen for lunch and some shopping. had a sudden weird craving for sashimi and spent $15 on lunch. stupid stomach. got back around 6, washed up and headed off for the big night at the next blue. met willy and tone at huntingdale station, then met up with ryan and chen hoe in the city. had chinese for dinner, and busted some time on daytona while we waited for the girls. headed over to the club at 11-ish, nearly 20-strong. long queues both ways.

unfortunately, i hadn't realised the queue system had changed, and while those of us on freelist were admitted, the rest on guestlist had to take the other queue. my bad. :( the main entry queue was ages long, so they decided to head for the casino instead. the nine of us who made it in had a few drinks and danced a bit, waiting for the rest who got in around 2am. good party, good crowd. the highlight of the night was when ryan and willy nodded off on the couch during a break and got caught by the bouncers. 15minutes sitting outside before they were let back in. that was a laugh. ; )

we were finally kicked out when the club closed at 6, so we headed over to crown and had mac's breakfast. after running around in the rain a wee bit and managing to catch a tram down to i-can't-remember-which station, we realised the cranbourne line only started an hour later. ended up catching one of them van-taxis back to southeast flats, and chen hoe drove the rest of us back to our respective homes. major props dude; you're a life-saver. : ) got into bed at...8+ (at a guess). all in all, a really good night. credit to trent for hosting a spectacular event. :-D

right, so we're down to...sunday. woke up at 1630 (ahem) and ran over to the religious centre for mass. not sure why, guess it was just 'cos i haven't been in a few weeks. ended up being pulled to sit with the choir (not good after two crazy nights and a soar throat) but thankfully i didn't make too much of a fool of myself. 'twas good meeting up with jul and shir again. went for dinner with them, and aaron, alex and alvin. the whole lot of them (17-strong) are heading on a road trip to the grampians and adelaide tomorrow. a lil' envious, i guess. could do with a break myself. ah well. you guys have fun!!! :-D

got the entire young and dangerous series (gu huo zai) from ryan and watched the whole thing last night. awesome stuff. thanks dude. ; )

which pretty much brings me up to speed. in between all the other nonsense, i've been trying to design the new sam website (yeah i know the current one looks like crap), as well as teach myself php (started today). on top of that, orientation for next sem's coming up and me and renald are doing the city trip again. meeting on wednesday with ellyne from MI to discuss the details. *sigh* looks like another busy semester. as the chinese saying goes, "one wave has yet to settle before another rises" or something like that. yeah, my translation sucks, but you get the point. ; )

well, no point griping about it. up and at 'em!

but before that, dinner with edwin at mac's. ; )

gav out.

Saturday, June 21, 2003

Virgin Daughters

got this from pris over email. thanks, dear. ;)

A Mother had 3 virgin daughters. They were all getting married within a short time period. Because Mom was a bit worried about how their sex life would get started,she made them all promise to send a postcard from the honeymoon with a few words on how marital sex felt.

The first girl sent a card from Hawaii two days after the wedding.The card said nothing but: "Nescafe!"

Mom was puzzled at first, but then went to the kitchen and got out the Nescafe jar. It said: "Good till the last drop."

Mom blushed, but was pleased for her daughter.

The second girl sent the card from Vermont a week after the wedding,and the card read: "Rothmans"

Mom now knew to go straight to her husband's cigarettes, and she read from the pack: "Extra Long. King Size"

She was again slightly embarrassed but still happy for her daughter.

The third girl left for her honeymoon in the Cape Town. Mom waited for a week, nothing. Another week went by and still nothing. Then after a whole month, a card finally arrived. Written on it with shaky hand writing were the words "South African Airways".

Mom took out her latest YOU magazine, flipped through the pages fearing the worst, and finally found the ad for SAA. The ad said:

"Ten times a day, seven days a week, both ways."

Mom fainted.

Monday, June 16, 2003

A Thousand Words


edit: anyone know how to scan in newspaper pictures so they look less crap?

Thursday, June 12, 2003

Lost and Found
...and lost again?

mood: average
music: eric clapton - wonderful tonight

well, my first update in quite a while. had my first exam on tuesday. mechanics of solids. it was...weird. the formulae that came out were easy enough. in fact, majority of the formulae that was covered in the unit didn't appear in the exam, surprisingly. but the numbers were weird, which led to a lot of second-guessing. ah well.

one down, five to go. ugh.

so the next paper's this coming tuesday. material selection. i understand about half of it. problem is that my final four papers are on tuesday to thursday fortnight, which means i really have to try and cover three units by this coming tuesday, or i'll be quite screwed for those. *sighz* so much to do, and so little time.

oh yeah, and paul's flying back to manila this morning. gonna be gone a month. i'll miss the retard. 'least he left behind all this graphic novels, so hopefully i won't be too bored after exams. ;)

hmm...and i joined up with the orientation team for next semester again. no idea why i keep doing that; not like i don't already have too much to do. besides o-team, i'm still prez and webmaster for sam till the end of next semester, on top of having 31 contact hours.

31. that's thirty-one.

can they do that?

ah well. stupid faculty.

alrighty, guess i'd better head off to bed then. still gotta study tomorrow, after all. will try to update when i can.

take care, y'all.