music: goo goo dolls - iris
well, done all i can for the report, which isn't saying much. some of the results don't make sense, and i'll probably have to talk it over with the guys again tomorrow before handing it in. maybe check with professor marshall. *shrugz*
so anyway, on to more interesting things. yeah, like i said, caught X-2 earlier. pretty good, i thought, even though i'm not an x-men fan. here's an excerpt from a review i posted on the trekkers board:
Just saw X-2 today.
All in all, a pretty good film. I think it was better than the first one, because I honestly don't recall the first one at all.![]()
Interesting storyline where there's more than two sides to the conflict. For X-men comic fans, the plot doesn't deviate from the comics too much, though there are some differences. For me, the most notable difference was that Lady Deathstryke wasn't set up to be Wolverine's "girlfriend". There are some others, but no really major issues.
Gambit fans: I'm sorry, but he doesn't appear in X-2.![]()
The ending was interesting, and definitely setting up for X-3. Those who know about the Phoenix connection will know what I'm talking about. Look out for signs of it throughout the movie.
Easter eggs:
*SPOILER ALERT* (Highlight to see spoilers)
1. Look out for the Phoenix symbol right at the end of the movie when the screen shows the lake. It's very faint, but right there in the middle of the screen.
2. Hank McCoy (Beast) appears as a cameo on a television screen mid-way through the movie. He's in his human non-blue guise though.
3. Remy LeBeau's (Gambit) name appears when Mystique is hacking through Stryker's computer. It's the one right before Eric's (Magneto).
All in all a pretty good show and worth the money, I felt.
yep. oh yeah, managed to fix princess' blog just before this post, so that's a *phew*. for those interested and especially those using the same template as hers (like wyld), what i did was make the "sidebar" div float right to force it up to the same level as the "mainClm" div.
yay, so it's done. now only have to do up wyld's and wardi's (url withheld). wyld's not online at the moment, and her blog doesn't seem to be there for some reason, so guess i'll check with wardi after this. or after i finish modding the trekkers board.
which will be after i cook some noodles 'cuz i'm famished right now.
oh yeah, good news! the money came in yesterday, so i can survive another week. yay! ^^
yeah, guess that's about it for now. cheers.