music: collin raye - holes in the floor of heaven
okay, this'll be a short post. was wondering why i was feeling so sleepy when i realised i've only had one hour of sleep in the last fifty. that's the problem when you're used to not-sleeping: i keep forgetting when the last time i actually slept was.
anyway, managed to hand in the report today. chiu said to hand it in at his office, so me and ben went to his office. he wasn't in, but the door wasn't locked so we went in. damn his office is messy. even messier than my room, which is saying a lot.
so we couldn't figure out which of the eleventeen gazillion piles of paper we were supposed to place our reports on. so we checked with jiv and he told us we're supposed to drop it off in chiu's pigeon-hole at the department office, not in his office. thanks a lot, professor. ::|
yeah so anyway, think i'm gonna go get some shut-eye now. thankfully i've already done the math assignment due tomorrow, save for that last question on particular solutions to 2nd order DEs.
note to self: remember to check with the others tomorrow
yeah, and so i leave you with this: