Tuesday, April 29, 2003

mood: better
music: bob carlisle - butterfly kisses

mmm...well, managed to finish off those stupid math questions. and half done one of the reports. the rest and the other report will have to wait till i talk to jiv and joe. haven't done the agenda, but it's a lil' late to send it out to the others now. ah well, guess i'll just have to play it by ear like all the other meetings. (if you're a sam member, i didn't just say that. nope, your president always goes prepared for committee meetings. always. :-P)

well, it's 0340 and i don't feel sleepy yet. two lectures tomorrow from nine till twelve. comm meeting at five. still broke. so what's new? hmmz hopefully the money i'm transferring across from home will arrive tomorrow. should last me another week. really have to speak to dad soon. *sighz*

ah well.

think i'll head out for a quick fag and log into swmb for a while before heading to bed. oh yeah, have to go mod the trekkers board too.

hope it's still in one piece.