Sunday, July 27, 2003

The Truman Dark|ighter Show

mood: not half bad
music: hanson - i will come to you (acappela version)

last time on the truman dark|ighter show, we saw gav hard at work on the new sam website while also helping out with the new semester's orientation programme. join us now, as we look into the life of our valiant hero after one week of the new term...

well, orientation's come and gone. pretty much without a hitch, which is obviously good. a lot less organised this time, though the new intake was a lot smaller than first semester too (250+ compared to 800++). so anyway, it was a fun week of boring administrative duties mixed with other, less boring duties like scavenger hunt and the city trip. oh yeah, and all the returners are back, which is both good and bad, if you catch my meaning. ;) (yes, i'm talking about you) week into uni and the workload ain't letting up none. got my results back, and wasn't too happy about it. one near-pass, 3 passes, 2 distinctions and a high-d. really crappy, considering what i got last year, but i guess i'm lucky i "passed" everything (we're allowed one near-pass in second year).

so, after that fiasco which was the examinations, i decided i'd really better start studying early this sem. like now. so far, i'm a wee bit behind, but i guess that's what sundays were meant for. :)

in other news, we're trying desperately to sell tickets for the singapore ball. so far we've sold around 15 tickets, largely thanks to the good people at muiss. thanks guys! : ) only another 5 tables to go. *sighz*

in related news, the club is off skiing at falls creek for the weekend. they left on thurs night, and should be back tomorrow night. i was supposed to have gone with them, but i find out on wednesday that my design tute on friday was worth 5% of the subject grade that would be lost by default in the event of absence. that was a really tough decision: skiing vs 5%. but design I was the unit i near-passed last sem, and design II is supposed to be even more difficult, so there wasn't much choice, really; i need all the marks i can get. so i just lost $420. dammit.

a relatively good weekend (so far) compensated for it, though. we celebrated allan's birthday on friday night at brian's place over in glen waverly, and that was definitely a blast even though no one remembered to bring alcohol. ;) and i went and got a new mobile with edwin today. it's on the new three thing, and after playing with the handest for a few many hours like a kid with a new fisherprice, i have to say it's pretty nifty. the wonders of technology these days. :) only negative: there went the study plans for tonight. ::)

so....yep, guess that's pretty much what i've been up to lately. will honestly try to update more frequently, when i can. off to evelyn's place to study tomorrow, then back to uni on monday. ::)

(p/s: if you're anywhere near melbourne, come for the kriffing ball!!! ;) )

tune in next time for more misadventures of a curious character...